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Dieta może być kluczem do zapobiegania i leczeniem guzów mózgu.
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1 Kwiecień 2008
Złośliwe guzy mózgu są jedną z głównych przyczyn zgonów oraz niepełnosprawności wśród dorosłych i drugą przyczyną śmierci wśród dzieci chorych na nowotwory. Medycyna ma do zaoferowania jeśli chodzi o prewencje. Żadna z dostępnych terapii złośliwych guzów mózgu nie zapewnia długoterminowej kontroli nad chorobą. Prowadzone terapię w sposób nie efektywny celują w komórki guza oraz negatywnie wpływają na zdrowie i witalność prawidłowych komórek mózgu.
Ludzi, którzy otrzymali tego typu terapie nie są już tymi samymi ludźmi jakimi byli przed rozpoczęciem terapii. Dwa najnowsze badania podkreślają wniosek, że dieta może być kluczem do prewencji pojawianiu się złośliwych guzów mózgu.
Badania i wyniki
Magazyn The Journal of Pharmacological Science, z Lutego 2007 donosi o badaniu w którym badacze oszacowali zdolność isothiocyanate iberin (wyizolowanej z Lesquerella fendleri), bio aktywnego agenta z rodziny kapustowatych, do redukowania proliferacji i promowania programowanej śmierci komórki (apoptozy) w komórkach ludzkiego glioblastoma, które były komórkami złośliwego guza mózgu, zazwyczaj pojawiającego się w kresomózgowiu człowieka dorosłego. Ludzkie kolonie komórek glioblastoma były oddawane działaniu różnych koncentracji iberin i testowane w kierunku inhibicji wzrostu guza, cytotoksyczności, indukowania apoptozy i aktywowania Kaspar, enzymów które są promotorami apoptozy.
Wyniki wskazywały, że iberin inhibitował wzrost komórek nowotworowych, wzmógł cytotoksyczność i indukował apoptozę poprzez aktywacje kaspaz. Wyniki badań mogą zapewnić podstawy potencjalnej użyteczności diety dostarczającej sothiocyanate iberin jako obiecującego terapeutycznego znaczenia mikro minerałów w prewencji i interwencji guzów mózgu.
W Lutowym wydaniu Nutrition and Metabolism z 2007r. badacze donoszą że w porównaniu z normalnymi komórkami, które mogą metabolizować oba składniki ciała ketonowe i glukozę wzrost oraz przeżycie komórek nowotworowych guzów mózgu z racji uszkodzenia mechanizmów energetycznych jest zależny tylko od glukozy. Ciała ketonowe są trój wodnymi rozpuszczalnymi składnikami które są wytwarzane jako półprodukty rozpadu kwasów tłuszczowych podczas ich przetwarzania na energię w wątrobie i nerkach i stają się
źródłem energii dla mózgu i serca.
Badania oszacowały efektywność KetoCal, nowej diety ketogennej bogatej w kwasy tłuszczowe i ubogiej w węglowodory dla dzieci z epilepsją na wzroście i unaczynieniu złośliwego mysiego i ludzkiego Astrocytoma.
U dorosłych myszy zostały wyhodowane złośliwe guzy mózgu. Myszą był podawany KetoCal w ilościach ograniczanych i nie ograniczonych Wpływ KetCal na wzrost guza, unaczynienie, a mysi czas przeżycia został porównany z tymi z nie restrykcyjną standardową dietą bogatą w węglowodany. Wyniki wskazywały, że KetoCal podawany w ograniczonych ilościach znacząco zmniejszył wewnątrz kresomózgowy wzrost guzów o 65% i 35%, znacząco poprawił stan zdrowia i czas przeżycia w relacji do grup kontrolnych otrzymujących standardową dietę niskotłuszczową bogatą w węglowodany.
Restrykcyjna dieta KetoCal zredukowała poziom glukozy w plazmie krwi jednocześnie podnosząc w niej poziom ciał ketonowych. Gęstość naczyń krwionośnych była niższa wśród grup kalorycznie restrykcyjnych KetoCal niż w kontrolnych grupach kalorycznie nie restrykcyjnych. Dodatkowo ekspresja genów w przypadku poszczególnych enzymów mitochondrialnych była niższa w guzach niż w przypadku przeciwnych normalnych mózgów, co sugerowało, że te guzy miały zredukowaną możliwość metabolizowania ciał ketonowych w celu pozyskiwania energii.
Naukowcy podsumowują, że Ketocal podawany w restrykcyjnych ilościach ma anty guzowe i angiogeniczne oddziaływanie w przypadku myszy która brała udział w eksperymencie oraz ludzkich guzach Możność kontrolowania efektu terapeutyczny KetoCal dla pacjentów z nowotworem mózgu wynikała głównie z faktu redukcji całkowitej zawartości kalorycznej, która zredukowała ilość krążącej glukozy niezbędnej do wzrostu guza. Zależność od glukozy w połączeniu z defektami metabolizmu ciał ketonowych wyjaśnia dlaczego wzrost guzów był minimalny czy to w przypadku keto-restrykcyjnej diety czy tez standardowej-restrykcyjnej diety. Naukowcy wywnioskowali, że geny odpowiedzialne za metabolizm ciał ketonowych
Powinien być użyteczny w osłanianiu guzów mózgu, które tymczasem mogą być celem kalorycznie restrykcyjnej diety ketogennej bogatej w tłuszcze i ubogiej w węglowodany.
Odkryli oni , że KetoCal może być bezpieczną i efektywną terapią która powinna być rozważana jako alternatywna opcja terapeutyczna złośliwych nowotworów mózgu
Ketogenic Diet Prevents Seizures By Enhancing Brain Energy Production, Increasing Neuron Stability
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Date: November 15, 2005
Science Daily — Although the high-fat, calorie-restricted ketogenic diet (KD) has long been used to prevent childhood epileptic seizures that are unresponsive to drugs, physicians have not really understood exactly why the diet works. New studies by a research team at Emory University School of Medicine show that the diet alters genes involved in energy metabolism in the brain, which in turn helps stabilize the function of neurons exposed to the challenges of epileptic seizures. This knowledge could help scientists identify specific molecular or genetic targets and lead to more effective drug treatments for epilepsy and brain damage.
The research will be presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience in Washington, D.C. by Kristopher Bough, PhD, a postdoctoral student in the laboratory of Emory pharmacology professor Raymond Dingledine, PhD.
"These findings support our hypothesis that a dietary regimen can dramatically affect the expression of genes and the function of neurons within the brain, which enhances the ability of these neurons to withstand the metabolic challenges of epileptic seizures," Dr. Dingledine said.
The ketogenic diet causes molecules called ketone bodies to be produced as fat is broken down. Scientists have understood that these molecules somehow cause a change in metabolism leading to a potent anticonvulsant effect. According to some animal studies they also may limit the progression of epilepsy.
The Emory research team studied the link between diet and epileptic seizures on the behavioral, cellular and genetic level. They found, as had others, that in rats fed the KD the resistance to seizures develops slowly, over one to two weeks, in contrast to rats treated with conventional anticonvulsant drugs. On the cellular level, they found that the anticonvulsant effect of the ketogenic diet did not correlate with a rise in plasma ketone levels or with a decrease in plasma glucose. Because longer treatment with the KD was necessary to increase the resistance to seizures, they concluded that changes in gene expression might hold the key to the diet's anticonvulsant effects.
To identify which genes might be involved, the researchers used microarray "gene chips" to examine changes in gene expression for more than 7,000 rat genes simultaneously. They focused on the hippocampus, a region of the brain known to play an important role in many kinds of epilepsies. More than 500 of the genes they examined were correlated with treatment with the KD. The most striking finding was the coordinated up-regulation of genes involved in energy metabolism.
To explain this genetic effect, the scientists first eliminated the possibility that the KD diet might cause enhanced production of GABA, a chemical messenger in the brain that helps limit seizure activity. They found that GABA levels in the hippocampus were unchanged with the KD.
To test whether energy reserves in hippocampal neurons were enhanced with the KD, they counted the number of energy "factories," or mitochondria, within cells using electron microscopy. They found that KD treatment significantly increased the number of mitochondria per unit area in the hippocampus. This finding, along with the concerted increase in the expression of genes encoding energy metabolic enzymes, led them to conclude that KD treatment enhances energy production in the hippocampus and may lead to improved neuronal stability.
Finally, the researchers tested whether brain tissue affected by the KD would be more resistant to low levels of glucose (an effect of seizures) because of their enhanced energy reserves. They found that synaptic communication in KD-fed rats was more resistant to low glucose levels than in control animals fed a regular diet.
The researchers believe their new knowledge could lead to the development of more effective drug treatments for epilepsy and brain damage.
And because the diet enhances the brain's ability to withstand metabolic challenges, they also believe the ketogenic diet should be studied as a possible treatment for other neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's diseases.
Note: This story has been adapted from material provided by Emory University Health Sciences Center.
Ketogenesis, Ketogenic Diet, And Prostate Cancer Progression
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Principal Investigator: Freedland, Stephen
Institution Receiving Award: Duke University Medical Center
Location: Durham, NC US
Award Code: PC050785
Funding Organization: U. S. Department of Defense, CDMRP
Award Funding Period: 11-15-05 to 12-14-07
Funding Mechanism: New Investigator Award
Background: New prostate cancer (CaP) treatments are desperately needed. However, to better treat CaP, we need a better understudying of the cause of CaP. Epidemiological data suggests that obese men are at increased risk for CaP death. To understand the molecular mechanisms underlying this apparent increased risk of aggressive CaP among obese men, we compared gene expression profiles using cDNA microarrays of CaPs from obese versus normal weight men. We identified that mitochondrial 3-hydroxymethyl glutaryl coA synthase (HMGCS2), the rate limiting enzyme in ketogenesis, was the most differentially expressed gene (fourfold lower in CaPs from obese men). Subsequently, we also found that HMGCS2 was decreased in high-grade CaP, suggesting that HMGCS2 may be a marker of aggressive CaP. We hypothesized that down-regulation of HMGCS2 and ketogenesis may provide a selective growth advantage for CaP. Viewed alternatively, ketone bodies (KBs) may be directly toxic to CaP cells. To test this, we treated 4 CaP cell lines with varying doses of the KB, beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB). Physiological doses of BHB reduced cell growth by 10%-25% in all cell lines. Transfection of CaP cell lines with wild-type HMGCS2 resulted in 40%-60% reduced growth relative to transfection with a mutated and inactive HMGCS2. These data suggest that methods that upregulation of HMGCS2 activity and ketogenesis may delay tumor growth. Fortunately, two dietary interventions, fasting and a ketogenic diet (KD, i.e. Atkins) are known to upregulate ketogenesis.
Hypothesis: We hypothesize that novel approaches to increase ketogenesis and HMGCS2 activity may slow CaP growth. Specifically, we hypothesize that a KD with or without intermittent fasting (both methods to increase ketogenesis) will upregulate HMGCS2 activity in the prostate and slow tumor growth. We propose to study this in a mouse xenograft model by feeding the mice various diets (low-fat, KD, etc.) and examining the effect on prostatic HMGCS2 activity and xenograft tumor growth.
Specific Aims: (1) To examine the effect of a KD and fasting on prostatic HMGCS2 activity. (2) To examine the therapeutic potential of dietary factors, specifically altering ketogenesis via KD and/or fasting, on CaP growth.
Study Design: The first step is to ascertain to what degree a KD and fasting can induce prostatic HMGCS2 activity. To accomplish this, we will randomize 18 severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice to either an ad-lib KD, hi-fat non-ketogenic diet (HF), or a low-fat diet (LF). After two weeks, one-half of the mice in each group will be sacrificed for measurement of HMGCS2 expression in the liver and prostate. The remaining 9 mice (3/group) will be fed in a modified pair-feeding protocol and two weeks thereafter. All remaining mice will be sacrificed for assays of liver and prostate HMGCS2 expression. Additionally, a time course will be carried out to assess how quickly prostatic HMGCS2 is upregulated upon fasting and to determine how quickly prostatic HMGCS2 is downregulated following refeeding after a 12, 24, and 36 hour fast. Following this, a similar experiment will be performed as described above comparing KD, KD plus fasting versus a standard mouse diet with fasting for its affect on prostatic HMGCS2 activity. The length of fasting will be determined from the earlier experiment on the time course and will be the shortest time possible that optimizes HMGCS2 induction, but will not exceed 36 hours once per week.
To assess whether a KD can delay tumor growth, SCID mice will be randomized to a KD, HF, or LF. Based upon power calculations for an expected 35% growth delay in the KD fed mice, we require 25 mice/diet. After 2 weeks, mice will be injected subcutaneously with human CaP cells (LAPC-4). Tumor growth will be monitored and the mice followed until sacrifice. Serum will be collected for BHB assays, prostate and liver harvested for HMGCS2 expression, and tumor harvested for cDNA microarray analysis. Three additional mice/diet will be sacrificed when tumor volumes are between 0.1 to 0.2 cc and tumors harvested for cDNA microarray analysis. Finally, we will compare a KD diet with or without fasting versus a standard mouse diet with fasting using a modified paired feeding protocol to determine whether this results in greater tumor delay than a KD alone. The protocol for monitoring the mice and tissue/serum collection and analysis will be identical to that outlined above for the other diets.
Relevance: The role of dietary fat in CaP has been actively investigated for many years. However, little is known about the role of KBs in CaP. Therefore, one major advance, which would stem from these studies, would be a better understanding of the role of KB and ketogenesis in CaP. Specifically, the gene expression data will allow us to determine which genes may be responsible for the growth inhibiting effects of a KD. If particular genes can be identified that are associated with the benefits of the KD then specific therapies can be targeted to these genes, which when combined with dietary changes, may delay progression more than either treatment alone. In addition, treatments which slow tumor growth, though not curative, may be sufficient to prevent many premature CaP related deaths given the long natural history of CaP and the fact that most men with CaP are older. Given that KDs are used routinely to treat epilepsy and have a long history of safety, we believe it is clinically feasible for a CaP patient to maintain a KD for many years. Therefore, if a benefit is seen in terms of delaying tumor growth in these preclinical studies, we foresee beginning Phase I clinical trials in the near future.
Brain Cancer
Seyfried Laboratory
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Alternative therapies are needed that can better manage brain tumors while permitting a decent quality of life. Surgical resection followed by radiation is the standard therapy for malignant gliomas today as it has been for over five decades. Chemotherapy has had little positive benefit on malignant glioma management and is often associated with adverse effects that diminish quality of life. It is also unlikely that therapeutic targeting of tumor-associated mutations will be effective in brain tumor management, as most tumor mutations arise as epiphenomena of tissue disorganization and their involvement with tumor initiation, promotion, or progression has not been conclusively established. We recently found that caloric restriction, a simple therapy that lowers glucose and elevates blood ketone levels, has powerful anti-angiogenic and pro-apoptotic effects on experimental mouse and human brain tumors. We are now defining the molecular mechanisms by which dietary caloric restriction can manage brain cancer. These studies will have direct translational benefit to the clinic.
Diet Therapy for Brain Cancer
We are studying the effect of dietary caloric restriction (DR) and the low carbohydrate, high fat, ketogenic diet on brain tumor growth, angiogenesis, and apoptosis. DR is produced from a total restriction of dietary nutrients and differs from starvation in that it reduces total caloric energy intake without causing anorexia or malnutrition. The KD, in addition to managing refractory pediatric epilepsy, is also the only known diet therapy effective against pediatric astrocytoma. It is recognized that the anti-tumor effects of DR result from caloric restriction per se and not from the restriction of any specific dietary component such as proteins, vitamins, minerals, fats, or carbohydrates. Besides inhibiting tumor growth, DR also produces a marked increase in general health. DR has documented beneficial effects on numerous diseases including cancer, but its mechanism of action is unknown.
Recently, we showed that DR has significant pro-apoptotic and anti-angiogenic effects on the inhibition of experimental brain tumor growth. Angiogenesis involves neovascularization or the formation of new capillaries from existing blood vessels and is associated with the processes of tissue inflammation, wound healing, and tumorigenesis. Apoptosis involves cell suicide in response to environmental stress. Both the ketogenic diet and DR may manage brain cancer by stressing the metabolic weakness of the tumor cells that are dependent almost exclusively on glucose for energy.
Gangliosides and Brain Cancer
We are also studying the role of gangliosides in brain tumor growth, angiogenesis, and metastasis. Gangliosides are complex glycolipids enriched on the outer surface of virtually all mammalian cells. Gangliosides may influence tumor growth and progression through modulation of adhesion, migration, and angiogenesis. We are interested in the effect of gene-linked alterations of ganglioside biosynthesis on brain tumor angiogenesis and invasion.
The calorically restricted ketogenic diet, an effective alternative therapy for malignant brain cancer
Malignant brain cancer persists as a major disease of morbidity and mortality in adults and is the second leading cause of cancer death in children. Many current therapies for malignant brain tumors fail to provide long-term management because they ineffectively target tumor cells while negatively impacting the health and vitality of normal brain cells. In contrast to brain tumor cells, which lack metabolic flexibility and are largely dependent on glucose for growth and survival, normal brain cells can metabolize both glucose and ketone bodies for energy. This study evaluated the efficacy of KetoCal®, a new nutritionally balanced high fat/low carbohydrate ketogenic diet for children with epilepsy, on the growth and vascularity of a malignant mouse astrocytoma (CT-2A) and a human malignant glioma (U87-MG).
Adult mice were implanted orthotopically with the malignant brain tumors and KetoCal® was administered to the mice in either unrestricted amounts or in restricted amounts to reduce total caloric intake according to the manufacturers recommendation for children with refractory epilepsy. The effects KetoCal® on tumor growth, vascularity, and mouse survival were compared with that of an unrestricted high carbohydrate standard diet.
KetoCal® administered in restricted amounts significantly decreased the intracerebral growth of the CT-2A and U87-MG tumors by about 65% and 35%, respectively, and significantly enhanced health and survival relative to that of the control groups receiving the standard low fat/high carbohydrate diet. The restricted KetoCal® diet reduced plasma glucose levels while elevating plasma ketone body (β-hydroxybutyrate) levels. Tumor microvessel density was less in the calorically restricted KetoCal® groups than in the calorically unrestricted control groups. Moreover, gene expression for the mitochondrial enzymes, β-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase and succinyl-CoA: 3-ketoacid CoA transferase, was lower in the tumors than in the contralateral normal brain suggesting that these brain tumors have reduced ability to metabolize ketone bodies for energy.
The results indicate that KetoCal® has anti-tumor and anti-angiogenic effects in experimental mouse and human brain tumors when administered in restricted amounts. The therapeutic effect of KetoCal® for brain cancer management was due largely to the reduction of total caloric content, which reduces circulating glucose required for rapid tumor growth. A dependency on glucose for energy together with defects in ketone body metabolism largely account for why the brain tumors grow minimally on either a ketogenic-restricted diet or on a standard-restricted diet. Genes for ketone body metabolism should be useful for screening brain tumors that could be targeted with calorically restricted high fat/low carbohydrate ketogenic diets. This preclinical study indicates that restricted KetoCal® is a safe and effective diet therapy and should be considered as an alternative therapeutic option for malignant brain cancer.
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W skrocie:
Niemieckie wyniki badan, pokazuja ze dieta ketogenna zastosowana w przypadku gozow mozgu i noowtworow trzustki jest w stanie ustabilizowac oraz spowlnic proces wzrostu guzow mozgu. U 5 pacjentow ktorzy wytrzymali rygorstyczna diete, nie tylko nastoapila stabilizacja choroby ale takze spowolnienie badz zatrzymanie wzrostu i zmniejszenie masy guza (pogrubiony fragment)
Can a High-Fat Diet Beat Cancer?
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The women's hospital at the University of Würzburg used to be the biggest of its kind in Germany. Its former size is part of the historical burden it carries — countless women were involuntarily sterilized here when it stood in the geographical center of Nazi Germany.
Today, the capacity of the historical building overlooking the college town, where the baroque and mid-20th-century concrete stand in a jarring mix, has been downsized considerably. And the experiments within its walls are of a very different nature.
Since early 2007, Dr. Melanie Schmidt and biologist Ulrike Kämmerer, both at the Würzburg hospital, have been enrolling cancer patients in a Phase I clinical study of a most unexpected medication: fat. Their trial puts patients on a so-called ketogenic diet, which eliminates almost all carbohydrates, including sugar, and provides energy only from high-quality plant oils, such as hempseed and linseed oil, and protein from soy and animal products.
What sounds like yet another version of the Atkins craze is actually based on scientific evidence that dates back more than 80 years. In 1924, the German Nobel laureate Otto Warburg first published his observations of a common feature he saw in fast-growing tumors: unlike healthy cells, which generate energy by metabolizing sugar in their mitochondria, cancer cells appeared to fuel themselves exclusively through glycolysis, a less-efficient means of creating energy through the fermentation of sugar in the cytoplasm. Warburg believed that this metabolic switch was the primary cause of cancer, a theory that he strove, unsuccessfully, to establish until his death in 1970.
To the two researchers in Würzburg, the theoretical debate about what is now known as the Warburg effect — whether it is the primary cause of cancer or a mere metabolic side effect — is irrelevant. What they believe is that it can be therapeutically exploited. The theory is simple: If most aggressive cancers rely on the fermentation of sugar for growing and dividing, then take away the sugar and they should stop spreading. Meanwhile, normal body and brain cells should be able to handle the sugar starvation; they can switch to generating energy from fatty molecules called ketone bodies — the body's main source of energy on a fat-rich diet — an ability that some or most fast-growing and invasive cancers seem to lack.
The Würzburg trial, funded by the Otzberg, Germany–based diet food company Tavartis, which supplies the researchers with food packages, is still in its early, difficult stages. "One big problem we have," says Schmidt, sitting uncomfortably on a small, wooden chair in the crammed tea kitchen of Kämmerer's lab, "is that we are only allowed to enroll patients who have completely run out of all other therapeutic options." That means that most people in the study are faring very badly to begin with. All have exhausted traditional treatments, such as surgery, radiation and chemo, and even some alternative ones like hyperthermia and autohemotherapy. Patients in the study have pancreatic tumors and aggressive brain tumors called glioblastomas, among other cancers; participants are recruited primarily because their tumors show high glucose metabolism in PET scans.
Four of the patients were so ill, they died within the first week of the study. Others, says Schmidt, dropped out because they found it hard to stick to the no-sweets diet: "We didn't expect this to be such a big problem, but a considerable number of patients left the study because they were unable or unwilling to renounce soft drinks, chocolate and so on."
The good news is that for five patients who were able to endure three months of carb-free eating, the results were positive: the patients stayed alive, their physical condition stabilized or improved and their tumors slowed or stopped growing, or shrunk. These early findings have elicited "very positive reactions and an increased interest from colleagues," Kämmerer says, while cautioning that the results are preliminary and that the study was not designed to test efficacy, but to identify side effects and determine the safety of the diet-based approach. So far, it's impossible to predict whether it will really work. It is already evident that it doesn't always: two patients recently left the study because their tumors kept growing, even though they stuck to the diet.
Past studies, however, offer some hope. The first human experiments with the ketogenic diet were conducted in two children with brain cancer by Case Western Reserve oncologist Linda Nebeling, now with the National Cancer Institute. Both children responded well to the high-fat diet. When Nebeling last got in contact with the patients' parents in 2005, a decade after her study, one of the subjects was still alive and still on a high-fat diet. It would be scientifically unsound to draw general conclusions from her study, says Nebeling, but some experts, such as Boston College's Thomas Seyfried, say it's still a remarkable achievement. Seyfried has long called for clinical trials of low-carb, high-fat diets against cancer, and has been trying to push research in the field with animal studies: His results suggest that mice survive cancers, including brain cancer, much longer when put on high-fat diets, even longer when the diets are also calorie-restricted. "Clinical studies are highly warranted," he says, attributing the lack of human studies to the medical establishment, which he feels is single-minded in its approach to treatment, and opposition from the pharmaceutical industry, which doesn't stand to profit much from a dietetic treatment for cancer.
The tide appears to be shifting. A study similar to the trial in Würzburg is now under way in Amsterdam, and another, slated to begin in mid-October, is currently awaiting final approval by the ethics committee at the University Hospital in Tübingen, Germany. There, in the renowned old research institution in the German southwest, neuro-oncologist Dr. Johannes Rieger wants to enroll patients with glioblastoma and astrocytoma, aggressive brain cancers for which there are hardly any sustainable therapies. Cell culture and animal experiments suggest that these tumors should respond particularly well to low-carb, high-fat diets. And, usually, these patients are physically sound, since the cancer affects only the brain. "We hope, and we have reason to believe, that it will work," says Rieger.
Still, none of the researchers currently studying ketogenic diets, including Rieger, expects it to deliver anything close to a universal treatment for cancer. And none of them wants to create exaggerated hopes for a miracle cure in seriously ill patients, who may never benefit from the approach. But the recent findings are difficult to ignore. Robert Weinberg, a biology professor at MIT's Whitehead Institute who discovered the first human oncogene, has long been critical of therapeutic approaches based on the Warburg effect, and has certainly dismissed it as a primary cause of cancer. Nevertheless, he conceded, in an email, for tumors that have been affected by the ketogenic diet in animal models, "there might be some reason to go ahead with a Phase I clinical trial, especially for patients who have no other realistic therapeutic options."
Richard Friebe is executive editor of the German science magazine SZ Wissen
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